• +975-2-324569 / 323702
  • info@cdcl.bt
  • Namtog Lam, Khangulu, Thimphu Bhutan

Zhemgang Integrated Water Project

Construction Project

Project Details

Zhemgang Integrated Water Project

The construction of the Integrated Drinking Water and Irrigation Scheme at Zhemgang falls within Trong Gewog, Zhemgang. The scope includes the laying of the main transmission line, a 630mm diameter HDPE pipe from the intake, which is located approximately 18.99 km away, to the treatment plant (a 250 cubic meter sedimentation tank). The scope also includes establishing a distribution system for drinking water in Zhemgang town and a drip and sprinkler irrigation system for rural areas at various locations scattered over approximately 150 sq km. Additionally, the scope encompasses the design and installation of SCADA for the entire water scheme.

The contract agreement was signed on 12th August 2024 between the Dzongdag of the Dzongkhag Administration of Zhemgang and the Chief Executive Officer of Construction Development Corporation Limited (CDCL). As per the contract agreement, the project cost is Nu. 579,741,509.77, inclusive of a provisional sum of Nu. 38,355,695.00. The duration of the project is 24 months for construction, followed by 24 months of operation and maintenance, starting from 9th September 2024.

The project team has mobilized to the site, and survey work has commenced, along with the initiation of the setup for the site office and camp.

Project Started & End Date

Septermber 2024 - September 2026

Project Location

Trong Gewog, Zhemgang (Bhutan)

Project Value

Project Manager

Karsang Norbu

Contact: +975 17602493

Email Address: karsang.norbu@cdcl.bt